凡在 mulberry.com 购买的商品,均可申请免费退货,全价商品须在收货后 30 日提出退货申请,特卖产品须在收货后 14 日内提出申请。


  • 产品如有刮痕、破损(包括鞋底),或未使用完好无损的原包装打包,退货将一律不予受理。如有这些情况出现,我们将把产品退还给您,费用由您自行承担,对此,我们深表歉意。
  • 对于鞋子类商品,务请在铺有地毯的表面试穿尺码是否合脚,以免鞋底受损或脏污。如需退回鞋子类商品,务请将鞋子连同包装盒一并退还,并确保包装规整有型,起到保护作用,以免包装盒受损。
  • 对于女装商品,务请确保退货商品完好无损,且未取下吊牌。


  • 电子邮箱:customercare@mulberry.com
  • 电话:+44(0)1761 234 230(仅限英语,适用国际费率)
  • 微信:Mulberry_Official
  • 商品退货

如需填写退货申请并安排取货,请访问 www.mulberry.com/returns 或通过下列方式联系客户服务团队:

  • 微信号:Mulberry_Official
  • customercare@mulberry.com
  • +44(0) 1761 234 230(仅限英语,适用于国际话费费率)





一般情况下,退款将于处理后 72 小时内在您的记录中显示,但是,处理退款的速度不在 Mulberry 的控制范围之内,某些发卡行或在线支付服务提供商(如支付宝)可能需要长达 10-14 日才能对您的资金进行再分配。



Mulberry guarantee (Care Policy)

We take great pride in the design and craftsmanship of all our products. We seek to use only the finest materials and the highest manufacturing standards. We strive to make sure every item we sell is perfect.

In the unlikely event that a Mulberry product does not match up to our high standards, we will try our hardest to address the issue.

In the event that a defect in materials or workmanship is found in your product within twelve months of purchase (6 months for items from our pre-loved offering), you can return it with proof of purchase to a Mulberry store (if purchased from a department store, please return it to them) and we will send it to be repaired or, at Mulberry’s discretion, replaced if it cannot be easily fixed. Alternatively, you can download a repairs form and instructions from Mulberry.com. This does not affect your statutory rights.

If the damage is due to normal wear and tear (as laid out in the care card), inappropriate use or simply an accident, it will not be covered under our repairs policy. However, our repairs department will be pleased to provide a quote for the cost if a repair is possible. Damage due to mishandling by airlines or airports should be reported to the relevant authority before leaving the terminal, as they may be liable for the replacement costs. Such damage is not covered by our repairs policy although we are happy to provide a quote for the cost of a repair if this is possible.